FYI Hair Diaries: Beyond Beautiful Hair

2:35 PM

Spring is upon on us! So that means it’s out with the old and in with the NEW NEW! New clothes, new shoes, new beauty products, and new HAIR! In this blog post I’m going to share with you a hair company that you need to check out.

Beyond Beautiful Hair is a hair company out of Detroit that has now expanded into a store and a full service salon. Not only did I get a chance to speak with the owner Jameela about the hair and services she provides, I got a chance to try the hair out for myself.

I really enjoy interviewing people in the beauty and hair industry. Everyone has the same passion but their stories are so different. I got the awesome opportunity to talk to owner Jameela from Detroit, on how she got started and why keeping her customers number 1 is very important.  

What made you start your own hair company?

I heard from a friend about how big the virgin hair business was. I started selling hair just to make a little extra income. Once I realize the great feedback I was receiving from people I begin to think “hey I got a pretty good product and I’m going to try to take this to the next level.”

How important was it for you to do your research? You know many times people jump into owning a business with not knowing much.

It was very important because when you’re ordering from vendors they are literally hundreds of thousands of vendors to choose from. So I was up very late reading reviews researching making sure I was going to get a good product.

What are some of the humps that you’ve had to get over in the hair business?

Well a few times I was getting hair that wasn’t the best. I had to communicate with the vendor to make sure they were supplying what I was asking for. Every now and you can get some hair that’s not the best quality. It’s important to stay consistent with good product because one bad review is worst than one hundred good ones in the industry of hair.

How do you stand out in such an over saturated industry?

We're constantly introducing new things to stand out. This year we’re planning to introduce a teen collection, inspired by my daughter, called Aaliyah Rene’ collection. With a new Philippino straight style. It took me about 6 months to find it with the vendors and making sure it was going to be a great fit with the other products we have available.

What keeps you motivated to run your business?

I left my job of 11 years to do it, so I have to stay in it now! I see myself expanding. The feedback is also what keeps me going. The emails from customers that say “Hey, the customer service is great, I love the hair!” I like to respond back to everyone. People work hard for their money and virgin hair is quite expensive.  I want to guarantee that it will last for them. If they don’t like the results or if something with wrong, I like to reach out and go above and beyond to see what I can do.

I received some Beyond Beautiful Hair in the Brazilian straight in two bundles of 20 inches, and one bundle of 18 inches. I’m being so honest when I say this, that I’ve never seen or felt hair so silky. I was literally scared to wear it because I like leave out and I thought my hair wasn’t going to match. Lol. But I had just a relaxer and was able to pull off my famous bundle ponytail look.

Install routine is that I always co-wash my virgin hair with the Herbal Essence Hello Hydration, and then set out the hair to air dry.

While brushing the damp hair I was impressed that there was no shedding and how easy it was to detangle.

When I purchase virgin hair one thing that I look for is how easy it straightens. I’m big on versatility with my hair so it’s important to know if I can wear the hair curly, wavy, or straight.
And what do you know!? This hair passed the test!

The hair is pretty easy to style. I usually go for long lengths so I can do pretty cute braids, and sleek and chic ponytails.

Due to this horrible Texas humidity I was not able to achieve the curly look I wanted. All the hair spray in the world couldn’t save my curls, but be sure to follow me on Instagram @fyijoycelynn for when I finally get a nice weather day to wear curls!

I appreciate Jameela being so professional. Seems like she really cares about having longevity in the hair industry by taking care of her customers! FYI wishes her the best! 

Want to check out the hair for yourself?! Head over to And be sure to follow Beyond Beautiful Hair on Instagram @beyondbeautifulhair. 


** This post was sponsored by Beyond Beautiful Hair 

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